Thursday, March 28, 2013

Just-In-Time-For-Easter Chicks

No too long ago I posted about having "Chicken Envy". Little did I know, all I needed was a trip into Lancaster County to get my chick fix. Last Saturday morning we had big plans to go to the Shady Maple Smorgasbord in Lancaster. Did the term "smorgasbord" pique your interest? Yes, it's a buffet like no other, because all the food is local and freshly prepared: meats, eggs, potatoes, danishes, pancakes, fruit, everything of the Pennsylvania Dutch variety. We started off the morning right, with a giant breakfast. Next on the agenda was shopping excursion at the nearby markets where we stocked up on canning supplies, seeds, and other outdoor can't-wait-for-summer items.

The Chicken Adventure began when we randomly stopped at a Tractor Supply Company, and spoke to a very knowledgeable woman about owning and caring for chickens. I learned a great deal speaking with her. Most importantly...
  1. I can have up to 6 chickens where I live (no roosters)
  2. I can have one goat (gasp)
It didn't take me long to decide we were going home with chickens. Unfortunately that store didn't have any chicks available. Fortunately, she told us where to go to get them and where to go for goats, because as I've said before, I kinda want a goat too... First stop was checking out the goats, because we definitely weren't taking home a goat today. This guy was also extraordinarily friendly and helpful, explaining the needs of a goat. Which really aren't much. In our climate he said all they need is a little shelter, and will eat anything in your yard, hopefully not Dante. Then we can enter him into the SlyFox Goat Race! But I shouldn't get ahead of myself. No goat today.

Girl petting a goatGoats in a shelter on a farm

Onward towards getting some chicks! We arrived at another Tractor Supply Company where they had big containers of chicks peeping up a storm. We bought 2 Red Pullets, and 4 Speckled Sussex. (I was later informed by fellow blogger and self-proclaimed "crazy chicken lady" that the Red Pullets are Rhode Island Reds). The Sussex are "straightline" so you can't tell the sex until they're older. So, if any turn out to be roosters, we'll sell them or trade them for more chicks.
  • 6 Chicks $12
  • Giant bag of pine shavings $5
  • Giant bag of chick food $20
  • Food and Water Feeder $10
  • Heat Lamp and extra bulb $10
  • Backyard Chicken Magazine $5
Because there are six of them, well, we couldn't resist naming them Rachel, Ross, Joey, Monica, Chandler, and Phoebe...


Now I should mention that Emily and her roommate will be going "halvsies"  on the chickens. How? Well, they will be brooding our chicks for the first month since Dante seems a little too curious about the chicks. Then when they have all their feathers they'll live in our yard. And of course we'll be splitting the delicious eggs they produce. And there you have it! Chickens! Now we have a month to build a coop...

1 comment:

  1. Phoebe still sleeps with her head in the water/food bowl. Oh, Phoebe


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