Monday, March 25, 2013

The Doctor Returns!

Oh it's times like these I do wish we paid for cable. One of my favorite series is returning this Saturday the 30th, Doctor Who. If there's any ounce in your being that enjoys a bit of "sci-fi", please take off work for the next week and catch yourself up, starting with the rebooted Series 9 (the older ones will probably turn you off altogether). Even better, they're all on Instant Netflix for your viewing pleasure. So in honor of the Doctor, here's some Whovian lovlies. Allonsy!

A printable Timey Wimey poster.
Adorable interpretation of the Tenth Doctor, the artist also does River song and others. 

TARDIS baby onesie. No babies here, but it's still cute.
Love this artwork! Saw it on Teefury awhile ago, so unfortunately it's not available in Tee form anymore


  1. I would just like you to know that you have created a Whovian monster- I am addicted!

    1. This makes me so happy! Looking forward to hear who your favorite Doctor is.


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