Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Basil Bloody Marys

With an overabundance of basil from the garden one can only make so much pesto and Caprese salads. I thought I might as well start soaking it in vodka! Now that I have this pungently basilicious liquor, what could I do with it? My first inclination was to make some sort of basil lemonade sort of cocktail, but after my dad tried a sip, he's like, "That would be great in a Bloody Mary", genius!

basil bloody mary

I LOVE Bloody Marys. Done right, it's like a meal and drink. It just so happens that I think my dad makes them best. And that's because he goes all out with these things; celery, stuffed olives, pickles, tiny onions, giardiniera, the works! All artfully arranged on skewers in the glass. And while I love being offered a drink that requires two hands to hold, sometimes it's nice to have a simpler version. This recipe is a just twist on a classic without the frills.

Basil Infused Vodka

I didn't realize how simple it is to infuse vodka. Literally take any sort of fruit of herb (in this case, a handful of basil) wash it, dry it thoroughly, and put it in a jar with some better quality vodka. Store it in a dark cool place, like a cupboard. Take it out daily, and give it a smell and a taste. When it's to your liking strain it's contents and re-jar it. Store it again in a cool dark place and it should last a few months.

Bloody Mary

V8 - Sorry if this offends anyone, but cans of V8 were a lunchtime staple growing up. I was all too pleased as an adult to discover I could use this to make even better lunchtime drinks!
A shot or two of basil infused vodka
Worcestershire sauce
A wee bit of horseradish
fresh basil - for an aromatic garnish

Fill the glass halfway with V8. Add a shot or two vodka (depending on your plans for the day). Add about a teaspoon of Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce, juice of half a lemon and a tiny bit of horseradish for an extra zing. Add some more ice and V8 if needed. Stir it up! Top it of with some more basil, a twist of crushed black pepper, and enjoy!

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