Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I Am Not A Robot

I subscribe to a newsletter from an awesome illustrator that takes quotes and makes them come alive with graphic illustrations, Zen Pencils. You've probably seen some of them floating around the internet. They always make me stop and read, and many times bring new meaning to an overused quote. Today's really struck a chord with me, and I wanted to share it. It came from a high school valedictorian, Erica Goldson, her graduation speech*.
Zen Pencils: Erica Goldson

I wasn't valedictorian, but I was at the top of my class, participated in student government, sports, and array of extra-curriculars. I did all the right things to get me into college. Looking back, I didn't necessarily do my best, I did what I needed to get an "A". I studied no more and no less. I loved school, and I loved learning, but sadly I think I was just another academic robot. I don't think I even realized this until after finishing my masters program, and entering "the real world". What actual, useful skills do I have? I'm not getting graded anymore, no one is praising my work, I'm not winning any awards. How do I know if I'm getting "A"s in life?!

I think since graduation this has been a bit of a struggle for me, but I recognize it and I'm working on it. I'm working on being happy, and not being "successful". Oprah's best life and all that. I surround myself with supportive and inspirational friends and family. I work and I play. I'm learning new things that never interested me growing up; cooking, gardening, homesteading. I make terrible decisions and learn from my mistakes. And I'm starting to write and share it all here. I'm lucky enough to have a teammate in life that's ready and willing to take on these adventures with me. So instead of being regretful of past choices, or paths that I took, I'll learn from my experiences and continue to grow; a bit of advice I think we all could use!

*Read and watch her entire speech here.

1 comment:

  1. Loved this! I have seen some of his work floating around, but never knew the source. Also, quite an awesome (and ballsy) speech from her. It definitely resonates with me as well and pretty much sums up how I view my education now that I've graduated. I guess now that I'm older (and wiser?) I can look forward to getting my true education, that is focusing on what I'm passionate about and learning everything I can from this great big world!



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